T-Shirts Chronicle Events in My Life
First of all, I would like to say hello to Berly who just moved to China with her family and really was the first person to introduce me to this blogging thing. We miss you.
In the process of cleaning out my closet, I realized that my T-shirts were difficult to get rid of becasue they commemorate events in my life. I usually forget to take photos of certain events but I used to always buy a T-shirt! Of course, T-shirts were the main staple of my wardrobe in the early to mid-90's. I would wear T-shirts, jeans (that came up to my belly button and were tapered), and running shoes. After I moved to Phoenix and started working, a co-worker came into my cube, assessed my boring haircut and T-shirt/jeans ensemble and claimed "You need a day of beauty!". That's when I was introduced to Jack, the guy who has cut my hair for the past 9 years and keeps me somewhat modern, and it was also the first day I have ever worn mascara. I need a whole blog dedicated to my discovery of pedicures, make-up and shoes, so back to the T-shirts.
So here are some T-shirts (not in chronilogical order).
Does anyone remember when Banana Republic sold clothes that were like safari clothes? Yes, it's true... they did not originate as a modern clothing store. Their clothes were literally like safari clothes which explains an name like Banana Republic. Here is an original T-shirt from their store. My sister still carries around a little leather purse that I bought from them, probably back in 1986.
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