Thursday, September 15, 2005

T-Shirts Chronicle Events in My Life Part II

More T-Shirts
I bought this T-shirt because Kels is what my family calls me.
The Bob Marley T-shirt is from Jamaica. Anyone who has been Jamaica knows how pushy the vendors are there. But it's a beautiful place. I love Bob Marley and play his music frequently.
From a coffee bar in Key West... I went through a phase where I liked buying T-shirts that had anything to do with coffee. One of the best parts of Key West was Hemingway's House where about 70 cats live now.
Spa Fitness is the fitness club I joined when I was 15 years old (fortunately you can drive at the age of 15 in South Carolina). I loved doing aerobics and went to this club for about 4 years. I wore those high gloss shiny tights with my Reebok's and sometimes wore this tank top with a belt over my leotard. Ugh. I never wore headbands or leg warmers though.
Buzios is in Brazil and is a fishing village that Bridget Bardot made famous in the 1960's. My dad has a thing for Bridget although all the sunning she did in the 60's has made her quite unattractive these days. Brian and I were supposed to fly to Brazil on September 12, 2001. Of course, our plans were a bit delayed... but we made the decision to leave for Brazil as soon as the flights were going and we ended up leaving on September 17. We figured South America would be a great place for American tourists after 9/11. I still remember the the ground crew at Miami lining up outside the plane on the tarmac waving an American flag. It was very touching. We spent a couple weeks in Brazil and Buzios was my absolute favorite place. We didn't see a single American tourist.
This is a very famous painting of Salvador Dali, one of my favorite artists. This is hanging at the Dali museum in St. Petersburg, FL. I went to this museum with a guy I call Lear Jet Man. After informing him that I would be getting a divorce (we were co-workers), he said he had been in love with me for past five years. That was quite shocking. For a first date, he flew me on a Lear Jet to St. Petersburg/Tampa to go to my favorite restaurant, Bern's. (I will note that I had a 1976 Shown and Sons Cabernet Savingnon which gave birth to my love for big bold earthy red wines).
This T-shirt was sent to me by my best friend from high school, MB, when I had mono. I was living at home during the summer between my freshman and sophomore year, was working full-time for NCR and was staying out late every night. I didn't leave my bedroom for 3 weeks and didn't once see my sisters or brother. Can't say I blame them... it was a horrible experience but I did crank out three watercolor paintings because I got bored. After I recuperated, I wore the shirt while looking for the Lizard Man, a creature of the Bigfoot and Loch Ness genre that resides in rural South Carolina. I didn't find him.
T-shirt from Sugar Mountain, NC. It was one of two close ski resorts to Columbia. I love snow skiing but haven't gone much since I've lived in AZ. I hope that my sons like to ski one day. But you will notice that this shirt looks very dirty. That is because it is my spelunking T-shirt. It has been through the caves of Tennessee, Alabama and Arizona. The first time I went was with my sister, Nicki, and we went with a bunch of strange people from her work. There's lots of stories here, maybe for another day... but the highlight was when Nicki and another guy were stuck in a very narrow tunnel because Ken was stuck in the opening of the tunnel for about 30 minutes. I swear his body swelled up to twice its size because he was panicked. Fortunately I was able to lure him out with cookies.


At 2:28 PM, Blogger Mary Beth said...

Just two weeks ago I "marred" an important tee shirt. It was one of the Dover tapestry (?) I wore on the Coberly holiday to England in 1996. I wore it while staining our fence with "redwood." Glenn splattered me and now it looks like I was an extra in a horror movie involving chain saws. I like this tee-shirt idea. Boy, the one I gave you when you were sick is lame isn't it? Did I make that? Let me know when you run for president! I'll vote for you as long as I get to be VP! Hmmm...this sounds like a stellar idea...Kelly as president, MB as VP, the rest of the Coberly's as cabinet members...

At 2:35 PM, Blogger Kelly S said...

Hey MB, I do have a T-shirt from Canterbury from that Coberly holiday in the barracks. Remember how we ran out of electricity because someone forgot to put a 50 pence coin in the meter???

At 3:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kelly, you are so funny! I love the idea of T-shirt memories. I have a sweatshirt with all my senior class names on it. Does that count?

At 7:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you should go back to work sooner. You seem to have quite a bit of time on your hands. I do enjoy looking at you t-shirts however. Why do you still have shirts from when you were 15? I am now questioning your mental state as I have already informed you of my quickly deteriorating one. When do we see your underwear and their conquests???


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