Monday, December 05, 2005

Cabin Fever

This past weekend was absolutely torturous without internet. I had decided to make no plans for the weekend since we have so much crap to do around the house. At least with email and the internet, you could lock yourself up in your house for weeks and still communicate with all your friends and family. So not only did we not do anything social with anyone, I couldn’t email or blog. And Cox couldn’t send someone out to help until Monday afternoon. I had horrible cabin fever by Sunday night. At least we got the tree up and decorated, and we got a new chair and ottoman and end table from Costco Home for our living room (to go with the fake fireplace from Costco). Yes, we buy everything from Costco. Brian also hung up the Christmas lights. It was worth the cabin fever to get everything done! Fortunately I had a very nice dinner with my mom’s group on Sunday night at a very good Italian restaurant in Ahwatukee. I had two glasses of wine, and split two entrees with someone else: shrimp stuffed ravioli in vodka sauce and a yummy eggplant dish. The waiter must have liked us because he gave use three desserts for free, plus we each got a very strong shot of some kind of lemon cocktail. It was awesome to not be pregnant so that I could enjoy the wine and not have heartburn for 12 hours after the Italian food.

I’m officially obsessed with something called the ROM machine. ROM stands for Range of Motion. This is an exercise machine. You spend 4 minutes a day exercising on this machine and it’s the equivalent of 30 – 45 minutes of cardio, 1 hour of strength training and 15 minute of stretching. Don’t believe it? I didn’t believe it at first. But I think there is something to it. So now when I am 35 minutes into doing aerobics, feeling a little bored, I think… I don’t have to be here. I could be done with this exercising stuff in 4 MINUTES IF I HAD THIS MACHINE. And it gets you in better shape than any other kind of exercise like running, walking, etc. Check it out:

OK, it’s almost 8 PM and it’s time for my walk. You can bet these walks will come to a screeching halt if I ever get my hands on the ROM!


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