Saturday, October 29, 2005

Week in Review

This week I’ve had very little time for blogging and I’ve been very tired. But it didn’t really stop me from working out twice, playing volleyball and taking walks. Ty is still not sleeping through the night!

RIP: Our TiVO remote. It has fallen off the armrest of my chair so many times that finally broken into 16 pieces. This means I had to watch through the commercials because I was too lazy to get up and press the buttons on the actual TivO unit. I was thinking about teaching Jack how to use all the buttons which is like the old fashioned remote controls: using your kid to get up and change the channels.

I finally received my two “mothers” necklaces. Here they are. For this one, I got Jack 8-26-03 Ty 6-24-05. I showed them to Yvonne and she gave me the ultimate compliment: “You’re such a mom!” Melissa said she thought she’d never see the day I was like this. I admit that I was a workaholic until I had kids and probably was a little scary. :-) It wasn’t uncommon for both me and Brian to work until 7 or 8 PM at night most nights. Now I burn rubber getting out of the parking lot at 5 every night.

On Wednesday I was very tired all day and wondered how I was going to get through picking up the kids, eating dinner, feeding Ty, getting Jack ready for bed and then follow through on my commitment to do pumpkin carving at Tami’s house. Fortunately, Brian had dinner on the table when we got home and Jack said he wanted to go night-night halfway through his first book. I was thinking how much I wanted to go to sleep but I always follow through on my social commitments (with the exception of that time I was to meet Jill B for lunch and slept through it!) so I left the house at 8 PM with my pumpkin to headed to Tami’s. It was just three of us, Julie, Tami and me, but I had a really nice time and felt reenergized after doing some socializing. Julie and Tami are single and I find hearing about their lives an interesting diversion from kid talk. Julie is living in a townhouse downtown where there are shops on the first floor. The owners of the shops must live above the shops. How cool is that? I think that would be a great way to live if I were single or married with no kids in the near future.

Thursday night Brian and I went to dinner with the kids and Brian’s human resources rep from work. I got to talk to her about what she is doing about female retention where we work. We have a difficult time hanging onto “technical” women for various reasons. I’m going to join her task force to see what we can do about it. Mostly the issues are around the male dominated culture (and not very female friendly) which isn’t going to change any time soon. I have a few ideas that I need to flesh out that I will be proposing. This isn’t really part of my job but something I feel strongly about so I will pursue it. After dinner I played volleyball. The nights are just beautiful here and it’s awesome to play outdoors. Friday I got a chance to meet Ann and Emma for lunch. Emma disclosed that she may be moving to the east coast to be closer to her family. As I said before, it seems like everyone moves away from here to be closer to their families!

Saturday morning I slept in until 7:30. When I was single sleeping in meant sleeping until 11 AM. Now sleeping in is sleeping until 7:30. Ha! I went to get my hair cut which is at a place about 35 – 40 minutes away. I’ve been using the same guy to cut my hair for almost 10 years. After I got my hair cut, I met my friend Jill M for lunch and then she had to go and get her hair cut and colored (she is now using my guy). I got home and Brian was heading out to the ASU – U. of Washington football game with Burrito, nickname for his fraternity brother friend who is now a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) doctor. And single.

Jack was running around without his underwear and peed all over the couch. Then he emptied a nail polish size bottle of cuticle oil all over the chair in the family room. Then he peed at the dinner table (he wasn’t wearing his diaper). We made a fruit cobbler together but he didn’t last long enough to eat it. His normal bedtime is 7 PM but tonight he asked if he could go night-night at 6:20 PM. He is funny that way. Brian came home and both kids were asleep. Brad (the doctor) hung out for a while so I could grill him on his love life. He is quite eligible being a doctor and looking very young like Doogie Howser. We didn’t make it to Tami’s Halloween party. We are just so tired in the evenings!

On a very sad note, our friends who live in Pacific Beach, near San Diego, are moving to Seattle. We visit them frequently and stay with them. They live walking-distance to the beach and coffee shops and my favorite restaurant for breakfast. I hate the thought of staying in a hotel when we go there.


At 9:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay so are you sad they are moving to Seattle or are you sad you have no where to stay in San Diego? You know some very eligible ladies that would love Doogie. My kids ask to got to bed too. I think it is weird too. How do you have time to a social life while working full time and being a mom??????????????

At 10:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Annette said...

Is your friend looking for someone?
I have few potential women for him!


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