Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Blah Blah Blah

This was a super long week. On Tuesday I took Ty to his 6 month well-care visit. He weighed about 18 lbs and was 27” long. I’m not sure when long becomes tall. Maybe when the kid starts walking. I started reading “A Million Little Pieces” for book club. It’s a book about a guy’s stay in rehab at the age of 23. He was addicted to alcohol, crack, a bunch of other things and sniffed glue on top of that. He started getting drunk at the age of 10. You would think that he would have really slacker crackhead parents but he didn’t. They seemed rather normal. This struck some fear in me because I would like to believe that parents of drug addicts have done something really rotten to their kids to make them the way they are. I don’t want to spoil it if someone is going to read this book but they did find something odd that happened in his childhood that potentially is the cause of the extreme anger he has for his parents. I read this book for book club, which was on Friday night. I showed up an hour late (because I put the kids the bed before I go out) and I missed the 1 minute discussion on the book.

On Wednesday a friend had breast augmentation (I won’t put her name in case she doesn’t want that broadcast). Everything went well. I don’t see how anyone could fault a mother who breastfed 4 kids for wanting this done. On Wednesday night I had the opportunity to go a really nice steak restaurant in town, paid for by my boss, because we had a meeting with everyone on my team and he was buying dinner for everyone. But I already had plans to meet up with Jill M, Liz and Kim C who was visiting from Delaware. We had an excellent meal at the Havana Café. Their plantain chips with the black bean dip is excellent. On Friday I got an eye exam because I wasn’t seeing as well as I used to. I had LASIK in 2003 to correct my horrible 20/700 vision and have seen 20/20 since then, even with a slight astigmatism in my left eye. I only have a slight change in my vision… not even worth getting glasses but I wanted to get a pair of prescription sunglasses to make my vision a little crisper for driving. I picked out some Ray Bans and then got the new prescription put in my old glasses. It will be 2 weeks before I get the sunglasses. On Friday after work, Brian and I took the kids to California Pizza Kitchen. The kids were pretty good. I had to take Ty home to feed him and put him in bed. Afterwards I rushed to book club and showed up an hour late. The topic for the evening was about sex and breasts as usual which seems odd since it’s a bunch of women. It was rather entertaining.

Saturday morning I went to get my hair cut and then met up with Brian and the boys at the zoo. Brian has been going to zoo with the boys and meeting up with some guy friends and their kids. Jack has a really good time with the other kids. While we were there, we ran into Jackson and his parents. Jackson is Jack’s best friend from day care and his parents are the owners of our day care. Jack decided to abandon his other friends and happily held hands with Jackson as they walked through the zoo. It was very cute. Two year olds are definitely not homophobic. Saturday night I actually watched a movie, which is rare for me because they require a 2 hour investment and half the time I don’t think the movie is worth spending that much time watching. We watched “Million Dollar Baby” which I actually liked. On Sunday morning I visited my friend who had the breast augmentation. I thought they looked really good—very proportional for her. Late Sunday afternoon we went to Jill and Gert’s house for dinner to let the boys play. Liz and Inigo showed up with their kids. The kids had a good time playing. I didn’t get to watch Grey’s Anatomy or Desperate Housewives because “24” was on. “24” is Brian’s favorite show. Ty had a little bit of a fever so Brian and I had our normal lengthy discussion about who would stay home with him on Monday. This is probably the worst complication to deal with when there are two working parents. Brian had to run his staff meeting and that usually trumps whatever I have going on, but this time I was running a meeting from 10 – 3 and someone was flying to AZ to attend so I had to go to work. Ty still felt a little warm on Monday so Brian stayed home with him. Fortunately, Ty can be self-entertaining so Brian got some work done. Monday night I had a meeting with India and we watched the Golden Globes. Tomorrow I have a class in a hotel. This is problematic for me because of the pumping. I really don't want to pump in the restroom so I drove to the hotel and discussed my options with the sales director. It's stuff like this that makes breastfeeding so difficult for working moms! Last week I had two all day meetings with my boss and his staff. This time I told him I would be taking my breaks so he pretty much had me set the break times for the meeting. That was cool.


At 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like I missed a good bookclub! Thanks so much for coming to see me this weekend. It meant alot!


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