Monday, April 10, 2006

Google Searches and My Blog

I’ve been super tired lately and a little down and very irritable, and so I’m starting to think that I might be hypothyroid. I was hypERthyroid after giving birth to Jack. I thought breastfeeding really was responsible for getting me to 15 lbs less than my pre-pregnancy weight at four months post-partum. Of course, there were the heart palpitations and extreme jitteriness and I was burning up when it was cold outside. But I thought all of those were post-partum things as well. My doctor warned me that my thyroid could eventually “burn itself out”. So that is why I am suspicious. I got tested a couple times after Ty was born and everything was normal. I’m going to see the doctor tomorrow and she will probably get me a blood test. If I’ve not hypothyroid, not sure what my next step will be.

I have a little bit of code in my blog that allows me to see how many times people looked at my blog every day. Obviously I can’t see who looks at my blog, but what I didn’t realize until about a week ago was that I can see how people got to my page. Most people (my family and friends) go straight to the URL that they have book marked. But I was surprised at how many people got to my blog through a Google search. And that it shows me what they did a search on. Here are some examples:

Range of motion machine, ROM, other variations … people seem to search this a lot
Michael Thurmond sample diet
Black bra white shirts
Nude wife … how did this take them to my page!!
Spider veins
Cuddling and coddling

I find it rather surprising that my Blog is on the third page of a Google search for the ROM. I guess I thought I was being more anonymous than that.

I signed up for cha-cha and swing dancing lessons at Y. This was supposed to be the intermediate class but I was bored. It’s always a gamble to sign up for a group class. I had the most fun dancing with an 80 year old man. He knew the swing and so we didn’t do what the teacher told us to do which was to repeat the basic step over and over for an hour.

This weekend we were again restricted by our kids’ nap schedules. Brian took Jack to the zoo while Ty napped and then Jack came home and napped and then Ty napped when Jack woke up. I’ve been super tired even though Ty is sleeping through the night, so I napped twice on Saturday and once on Sunday! I couldn’t seem to keep my eyes open. I hope the doctor can find something.

Oh, we did watch “Crash” on Saturday night. I thought this movie was very, very good. And I’m really picky about movies. Sarah recommended it when it first came out. Sarah is really good about telling me which movies I will like since I am so picky.


At 7:21 PM, Blogger Cacti to Cornfields said...

Hootie Hoo!

Yikes - hope you get to feeling ok. That thryoid stuff is scary business. I do envy your naps, however!

I've also been wanting to blog about my own personal entertainment with statcounter, too!! (Perhaps to come...) But if I go to my StatCounter page, I can see who folks are (or at least, who their ISP is in addition to the city and state of origin.) All that fun stuff. How do I check for the Google searches?

At 6:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,
I hope the doctor can figure out what's the matter and fix you up. That's no fun feeling crappy when you've got little ones.
Take care and keep us posted!


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