Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Crazy Drivers

Quick post: Tuesday I picked up the boys from day care and was driving home. I was about to make a right on red and had pulled forward to get a better look when BAM! I got hit on the back left side of the car. It was a woman who was behind me, also trying to make a right turn on red but I guess she wasn't looking in front of her. So the good news: no one was hurt and it wasn't my fault. The bad news was that it took over an hour for the police to come and do a report, which I need to file a claim with her insurance company. Jack and Ty were in the back seat fussing on and off. I am just thankful we weren't really hurt. The woman who hit me tried to blame it on someone who was riding her tail but the police didn't think that was justification for hitting me. She was pregnant and flustered and I can sympathize with her but that doesn't pay the bill to fix the car.


At 10:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh My Gosh!! So glad everyone is ok, hope not too much damage to the car. That sucks.

At 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Kelly that just sucks! That's great that no one was hurt but still scary.

At 3:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ugh Kelly. I'm so happy that you and the boys were not hurt. That stinks about the car. How much damage was there? Email me- Annette H.


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