Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Oh, I Forgot

Yesterday as I was walking into work, I realized that I forgot my badge. So I went back out to my car as I approached my car, I stumbled and because I was hauling all this crap into work (laptop, purse, lunch, breast milk bottles, etc), I couldn't regain my balance and I went crashing down to the asphalt, hard. Of course, the very first thing I do, even before assessing my injuries, is look around to see if anyone witnessed this very ungraceful event. Of course, someone had and as they approached me, they asked me three times if I was OK. Even if I broke my leg, I probably would have told him I was fine just to make him go away. I picked myself up, got my badge and went into the building and straight to the cafeteria as normal to order my morning eggs. A guy I've never talked to before said, "You going after the grunge look?" I looked at him puzzled and then down to my jeans and there is a huge stain and a hole in the knee of my jeans. Crap. I walked around like that all day. I started to feel like I had been in a car accident. My neck hurt and my back hurt and of course my knee hurt. A manager wanted to have me file a safety report. At my work, if you injure yourself, you're supposed to file an incident report so that they can do root because on the issue that caused the accident and fix it. Since the incident was solely my clumsiness, I would hate for anyone to spend time root causing my incident!


At 9:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my, I hope your ok??


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