Sunday, May 14, 2006

Pink Eye and Mother's Day

Am I the only mother who really wants alone time on Mother’s Day? Seems like on Mother’s Day I should want to spend every waking moment enjoying being a mother but the truth is that sometimes it can be hard work and what I really want to do is sit down and watch Veronica Mars or read the paper or go shopping at Stein Mart by myself. In the past two weeks, the reality of having two boys has set in. I don’t know what it’s like to have two girls but I’m guessing that boys tend to be more physical. This means I get kicked, poked, bludgeoned, smacked, and accosted all in the name of love and affection. They want to touch me and be close to me, which I like, but their nature is a little rough. Even Ty, who is only 10 months old, likes lunge at me with full force while giggling and laughing. It’s tempting to turn the third car garage into a room with padded walls and floors where the kids can go throw themselves around with wild abandon. Or perhaps it can be the room where they can put me when I go crazy.

I am happily in the process of weaning Ty. I feel like I should be mourning this but instead I am excited at the thought of being hydrated again. This week I will only feed him in the morning and at night without pumping or feeding him during the day. He has been too distracted to eat on a few occasions so I think the time is right for both of us. I feel some guilt in that I will be cutting him short by about 1 month. I’m sure I will get over it.

Someone asked for an update on the ROM machine which by the way, still brings a lot of people to my blog through internet searches. We have had the machine for about 4 months now and clearly it provides incredible results with building muscles for men and toning for women. Brian’s upper body has changed quite drastically and I tease him for flexing his muscles around the house (which he never did before in all the years that I have known him). He looks really, really good. As a previous long distance runner and avid hiker (he can hike the south rim of the Grand Canyon to the North rim and back again!) his lower body hasn’t changed as much. For me my arms are toned and so are my legs and butt. My stomach is still flabby but the real test will be the 2 – 3 months after weaning Ty to see if there is hope there. What I haven’t been able to test out is my cardio and endurance. The best test would be a hike up Camelback Mountain or something like that. So far it’s been a great investment. The best reason to buy something like this is that you have no excuse to not use it when it only takes 4 minutes. Our nanny started to use it last week and it used it every day. It will be interesting to see her results over time.

I wanted to take a moment to write about my number one pet peeve. Maybe I wrote about this before but it’s something that I cannot stand: People cutting their fingernails in public places. It’s the clipping sound that drives me bonkers. You would not believe how many people at work clip their nails at their desks which in a cubicle environment makes me a victim of their misplaced hygiene regimen a couple times a week. I am really good at blocking out other phone conversations but I can hear the drawer open, the hand reaching into the drawer for those clippers and then the 5 minute manicure that follows, and finally the drawer opening and closing. I cannot work during the time the nails are being clipped. I believe in a lot of cases, it is a nervous habit. And I can understand one or two clips when a nail is broken, but to do all 10 is just wrong. DO IT IN THE BATHROOM AT HOME. I don’t give myself bikini waxes in my cube or pluck my eyebrows. Why is it OK to clip your nails? I went to the endocrinologist and in the waiting room, a woman clipped all 10 of her fingernails right there! CLUELESS. And where exactly did those fingernail clippings end up? All over the chair and floor. Disgusting.

This week my sister, Krisy, found out she was having a baby boy. She already has two daughters. She should be prepared to be a punching bag but overall I love having boys so I am excited for her.

I got pink eye this week. What really sucks is that I didn’t get it from my kids! I don’t know where it came from but it came on with a vengeance on Thursday. Fortunately I had antibiotic drops from before and got to start that ASAP. It’s looking better now.

We had book club on Friday night. Tracy and I were the only ones who read the book other than the host. This is beginning to be a trend. So we talked about the book for about a minute. I wonder if this book club should become a movie club instead where we see a movie and then talk about that. Not that we need something particular to talk about—that never seems to be an issue. And now we are planning more happy hour meetings and even a girl’s night out to a club. So we could just be the Moms-With-2 – 4 Kids Party Club. Although the title would have to also include our resident single members who bring us tales of their exciting single lives.

I did have a great Saturday with the boys. We went to the mall and while Brian ran some errands, I spent an hour and half at Pottery Barn Kids. I wonder what the salespeople think about me plopping down in a comfortable chair and letting Jack play with all their toys. Jack and Ty were phenomenally well behaved and I got to sit and relax while they played. I got to see what Jack liked to play with the best and so I bought that before we left (a toy microwave). We ate at Wildflower after that and then everyone took naps when we got home. We had Saigon Po for dinner which if you haven’t eaten there… you must. Where else can you get your dinner for $5? I think it’s great Vietnamese food and Jack even ate the shrimp and rice noodles.

Brian made me eggs benedict for breakfast which was tasty. Now he is at Costco with the boys giving me a break. I feel a nap coming on…


At 7:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day Kelly! I also like getting a break on Mother's Day... Actually, I have been acting like the last 3 days have been Mother's Day- so don't feel like you are the only one. (:

At 3:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a nice Mothers Day. We swam and hung out by the pool from morning till night. Very relaxing day. I sure know what you mean about boys they are alot more physical than girls.

I can't believe anyone would cut their nails in a waiting room. How disgusting!! What was that woman thinking?

I hope weaning Ty goes good. I think bookclub is more becoming a party club. I will keep reading the book though maybe someday we will have a bookclub where everyone has read it.

At 6:45 PM, Blogger Cacti to Cornfields said...

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At 6:48 PM, Blogger Cacti to Cornfields said...

Bwaaaaahahahaha! I meant to comment on the nailclipping thing when you commented on it on my list of "40 things that tick me off" and I was angry at myself for forgetting such an important one!!!! I laughed out loud when you said you could hear the clippers coming out of the drawer a mile away. Me, too! There's a girl who ALWAYS clips her nails at work every week, and I sit relatively far from her and can STILL hear it from my cube. I shudder every time. Little fingernail bits, flying to and fro. Can we be more vile, please? And then there's the filing that follows. Fantastic. I love inhaling other people's fingernail dust as the little particles float through the air for all to consume. I think I'm going to start picking my nose at work and then just flicking the boogers wherever I feel like it just to call it even.

One time, a nurse practitioner I used to work with was telling me a story about a diabetic toenail clipping she was doing for this elderly. The woman's nails were like cutting yellow acrylic with a dull butter knife, and she started to talk to the woman... and... you guessed it. 85 year old yellow toenail in the mouth! I almost gagged!!!!! I think she just shrugged it off being a nurse. True story. Look at the lengthy comments a person can make about nail clipping in public! Anyway. Yeah. Totally with you on that one.

And by the way - congrats to your sis on her baby-to-be!!! AND thanks for the ROM update!! Love it! I'm telling you, you should open your own gym and charge people $10 per use to come and try that thing! I can't wait to try it!

Hey - do they have a comment length limit on this thing??? P.S. Sorry about the deleted comment post!


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