Saturday, July 01, 2006

Some Random Thoughts

Last night I had a dream that I met my soul mate. Yes, Brian is my soul mate but you know how dreams are. I mean, I met the most amazing man on the planet. He was intelligent beyond words and really funny and was totally into me. I even made plans to get a divorce because this guy was so perfect and amazing. When I woke up, I realized who the guy was. It was the short order cook in the cafeteria at work! This is funny to me because mostly our exchange is:

K: Two scrambled eggs please.
Cook: OK.
K: Thanks.

Dreams are so bizarre. I made the mistake of telling Brian and he is already calling the guy my boyfriend.

So on Friday morning I notice I have a voice mail on my cell phone left at 6:10 PM the night before. I checked the missed calls log but there was no incoming call, so maybe I was out of range. The reception was kind of bad but here is the message that was left on my cell phone voice mail:

Uhhh, Mary? I just wanted to let you know that it's OK if you want to hook up with my husband. Just a night of fun, no strings attached. His name is David [I hear a guy in the background urging this person on]. I'm not sure if I'm going to [watch? participate? --It cut out here] because I'm straight. Well, give us a call and let us know if that works for you.

OK, that is more bizarre than my dream.

So then on Friday around 3 PM, I get this call from "restricted".

Hi Mary... it's David.
K: You have the wrong number?
David: Is this [my number but two numbers are transposed]
K: No.

If I had been thinking I would asked what was going on and who this Mary slut was.

I'd heard references to a movie called "Napoleon Dynamite" before so I recorded it from HBO. This movie represents humor of my family. Very dry. I couldn't stop watching it. It was like a train wreck. I definitely recommend it for JennDawg W. who shares my very odd sense of humor.


At 11:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, dreams are crazy. I like to keep them to myself. I love the ones when I catch Joe cheating on me and then I am pissed off for the whole day at him. That's weird about the message. What people won't do for a little excitement. Did you just now discover Napolean Dynamite? We have that movie and Joe can recite the whole movie....

At 7:07 PM, Blogger Cacti to Cornfields said...

holy camoley! forget the lousy dream.... the whole cell phone message thing is WAAAAY more interesting!! dang, too bad you couldn't have played along! i am intrigued by mary and david! you should do a yahoo people search and see if you can find out who they are, and then drive by their house and throw some packages of condoms on their lawn. just kidding. would be funny if you knew them, though (and disturbing!) as for napolean dynamite?? LOVED, LOVED, LOVED IT! "Tina, come and get your ham!!!!"

At 9:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris got a phone message on his line at work that was this..
Little old lady- "hello Blance, this is Elaine,I made it home ok, ohh..I am soooo cold! Maybe I should take a shower. I can make it all nice, hot and steammmmyyyy. oh yessssss. I'll talk to you later. bye now!"

So, you know Chris's humor, he'd play it out of the blue on speaker phone. He'd get a least a 2 rows laughing their butts off. You should save yours and see what reaction you'll get from some of your fellow cubies!

Napolean Dynamite Rocks!


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