Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Sick of Meat

Brian was gone for three nights last week which made my life very challenging. I can’t remember if I said this before and I’m too lazy to look it up but I am doing Pilates twice a week now. I missed the Tuesday night class because Brian was gone but I did the noon class on Thursday and wasn’t sore the next day for the very first time. My abdominal muscles are getting stronger but you can’t tell because of the layer of fat on top of my abdomen. Our nanny stayed a little late on Thursday so that I could play volleyball. Otherwise, I didn’t do too much other than take care of the kids and chores, followed by collapsing on the couch at 9:30 PM.

I did get a chance to have lunch with Jill (who had a baby mere days ago) and Liz (whol just moved to the east coast and was back here to deal with the house). Liz moved to the east coast to be closer to family and her parents signed up to take care of her 3 year old and 1 year old while she works part-time. She says it’s an adjustment because you go from paying a professional to not paying family members and to some extent, you get what you pay for but I am sure there is no question as to whether her parents love those kids.

We did our usual dinner out at the mall on Friday. This is now our routine… leave work just a little early so we can beat the crowds at the mall and then walk around the mall with the kids. Jack just loves the bookstore and Pottery Barn Kids. I like people watching… it gets really interesting on a Friday night. There are lots of Goth kids that hang out at the mall which seems a little strange. Malls are so mainstream and kids that dress to get attention are trying to not look like the mainstream. It doesn’t make sense to me.

On Saturday I got my hair cut. My hair was the longest it’s been in 20 years. For some reason I’ve been able to keep it longer than normal and it’s not flat and stringy. But it was starting to get flat so I got it cut. I got my favorite turkey salad at the News Café at Kierland Commons beforehand. I don’t know why I like turkey salad so much. After getting my hair cut I checked out this 1 cent sale at a children’s boutique. Buy one get one for 1 cent. But one T-shirt was like $50. I guess some people will spend that kind of money on kids’ clothes.

On Sunday, Father’s Day, Brian hiked Camelback which is one of his favorite things to do. This is nuts to me. I cannot comprehend something so physically exhausting is a “favorite” activity.

We both started the Michael Thurmond’s 6 Day Body Makeover diet. Brian had promised to do this with me after I weaned Ty. I am trying to get rid of the layer of fat that sits on my abdomen, one of the remnants of my two pregnancies. I can’t say that I am hungry doing it but because I have to eat meat for breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner and snack (6 times a day) it’s a little tough for me (generally not a big meat eater). I am more dissatisfied than hungry because I could really use some oil or fat right now. A donut would be excellent. A chunk of blue cheese would be amazing. But I have followed the diet to the letter with the exception of one grape that Jack insisted that I eat. The idea of the diet is really charge up your metabolism to burn fat. I will report out on the results at the end of the week. Menu:

Breakfast – pile of beef + ground turkey
Snack – Chicken on lettuce (no dressing of course)
Lunch – Chicken, rice and beans and vegetables
Snack – Beef and strawberries
Dinner – Chicken, rice and beans and vegetables
Snack – Chicken and berries (I can’t just eat the berries—I have to eat the protein with the berries!)


At 6:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow that diet sounds disgusting. Do you stop shitting or is it the opposite? I remember Brian talking about that diet last time you were over. Let me know how it turns out. Did you watch Tuesday night Book Club?

At 7:08 PM, Blogger Cacti to Cornfields said...

PILE of beef and turkey? A "snack" of beef and strawberries? Blecch! You get some major kudos for doing this, you know. I don't think I could handle it. Sounds like a modified Atkins. Maybe you could try to liquify the meat and at least make it into a sauce... perhaps for one of your other meats. Brian's a whiz cook, I'm sure he could whiip something up! "Tonight, beef au beef with beef pudding flambeaux!"

Boy, I sure need to update MY blog...

At 12:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eating meat is good. When you need some inspiration ...


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