Sunday, October 02, 2005

Ty and I met up with Brian and Jack at Rigatony's on Friday around 5:30 PM. Brian had a nice glass of chianti waiting for me. I really needed it. I got upset at Brian for never having time to talk to me during the work day to set up plans for the evening. I think everyone at work leaves before 5 PM on Fridays except for my husband! I got over it since soon I will be too busy at work to make plans myself. But I won't stay late on Fridays! Jack did pretty well at the restaurant as usual.

On Saturday the only planned activity I had was to meet with a studio artist from Smashbox cosmetics at Nordstroms. I also got to meet the two guys who invented/own Smashbox. For anyone who hasn't heard of Smashbox, it's a great costmetic line that is only sold in Nordstom around here. I bought a few things. A lot of people really love their primer which is something that fills in pores and lines and makes foundation go on really smooth. My mother-in-law buys it in bulk when she comes here from Washington. I wore it the other night to Bianco's and Ann N. kept saying how nice my skin looked. Unfortunately, I'm too lazy to wear much make-up normally and I tend to not use the primer. Maybe when I go back to work... what am I saying?... trying to get two kids out the door to day care before work. I'll be lucky if I get my hair brushed and get out the door without spit up and yogurt on me.

Today we went to Octoberfest with Jill, Gert and Connor. Remember how my brain is still missing? This was my brilliant idea and for some reason I associated October with cooler weather. It was so freaking hot out there. We got there at 10 AM and I was sweating as soon as we got the stroller set up. Maybe it was my black tank top... black absorbs so much heat... but I only have a black bra that fits me right now. I didn't have a choice. I was hoping for some kiddie carnival type rides but they only had the blow up type things for kids, which Jack seemed to like. They also had a splash park that Jack really enjoyed and I didn't mind running through all the water as long as I wasn't thinking about the bacteria infested waters. We topped off the morning with beer and pizza.

The frozen breast milk is thawing right now for Ty's first day at day care tomorrow. I am not going to work until Wednesday and this is a trial run, not for Ty but for me. Any woman who has gone back to work can tell you how miserable it is the first couple days your child is in day care and I plan to get my crying over with before I go back to work. Just thinking about it make me very sad. I'm used to being around the little guy all day and night. But he will be fine. And I will be spending some good quality time with my friend, Medela. (inside joke for breastfeeding moms)

Things about work I'm looking forward to:
- Getting scrambled eggs from the cafeteria so I don't have to cook
- Having a reason to wear something other than tank tops and flip flops
- Having more flexibility to run errands (sans kids)
- Seeing Yvonne and Melissa and Cheryl and the other women at work that make things entertaining
- Doing aerobics at the work gym
- Following a schedule
- Reading books in the lactation room
- Loving every minute of the time I have with Jack and Ty because I missed them so much during the day


At 11:24 PM, Blogger Chengdus & Don'ts said...

You keep making me jealous with your references to restaurants! I have to say the food isn't bad here. I have been to this great Chinese place twice. Jonny ordered duck tongue, but I didn't try it. I haven't got my sea legs yet. There are quite a few Western restaurants here and they do a pretty good job. There is even Mexican food.

I am glad you and Medela are bonding again. I don't think I would be as good of friends with Medela as you are. Great job!

I am also jealous hearing about you hanging out with all the girls. Please tell everyone hello! We miss you all!


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